Crow Hitches a Ride on a Bald Eagle

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photo credit: Phoo Chan

Incredible images of an animal very casually hitching a ride on another have been captured – this time, a cheeky crow taking a mid-flight pit stop on the back of a majestic bald eagle.
The photographs were captured by California-based Phoo Chan.
Chan says, “crows are known for aggressively harassing other raptors that are much bigger in size when spotted in their territories and usually these ‘intruders’ simply retreat without much fuss. However, in this frame the crow did not seem to harass the bald eagle at such close proximity and neither did the bald eagle seem to mind the crow’s presence invading its personal space. What made it even more bizarre was that the crow even made a brief stop on the back of the eagle as if it was taking a free scenic ride and the eagle simply obliged.”

Final descent

Easy now, boy

Touch down

A bumpy landing

Settling in for the ride
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