You can now buy GMO-free Water in the U.S.A

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Nope, you read that correctly. This water apparently is gluten-free, free of genetically modified organisms (GMO) and free of Bisphenol A (BPA), which is a compound found in the manufacture of some plastics.
Don’t panic though – bottled water that doesn’t explicitly state that it’s free of these suspect substances is still perfectly alright for you.
You can’t tell from the packaging but this water is unusual in one respect – it’s black.
This unusually-colored water hit supermarket shelves back in 2011. The brand blk. is the brainchild of New Jerseyans Albie Manzo and Chris Laurita, who stumbled across the black water at a New York foodie convention. Speaking to Patch, Manzo said that the water left him feeling very refreshed. You know, as water tends to do.
There was a bold claim that blk. water can cure breast cancer but the company quite wisely does not state this anywhere on its website.
The dark-colored beverage allegedly has zero carbs, zero sugar, zero calories and its only listed ingredient is purified water, so what’s in it? Well, blk. boasts on its website that the black color of its water is due to the “fulvic trace minerals”. The water also has “over 60 other trace minerals,” which blk. do not list specifically what they are, alongside “powerful electrolytes” and a “high pH” to neutralize excess acidity. That’s a lot to expect from just a bottle of water.
Fulvic acid is found in peat and soil. The acid can’t be made so it is derived from mining. Ensuring healthy growth and strength, fulvic acid is beneficially nutritious…to plants. Not people, plants.
This boost in designer water is hot on the trend of fad diets, carefully marketed towards many alleged health benefits, from the very logical addition of fruit and vegetables to water (smoothies) to the very deceptive addition of "alternative medicines".
So if you want to feel hydrated, drink blk. water! Or just drink plain ol’ water, like a sane person.
I have only two questions - it might be free of gluten, GMO's and BPA, but is this water organic? And can anyone show me what water that has gluten in it might look like? Because I think I want to try that.
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